Drawing and painting lessons in Delft
Would you like to try your hand at drawing and painting? Join the first month for an introduction prise on Wednesdays. Studio Kabel offers drawing and painting lessons at Schieweg 15 in Delft:
-> developing your sensitivity and observational skills;
-> experimenting and learning to choose;
-> painting through movement according to your own rhythm;
-> learning through experience;
-> expanding your artistic creativity and freedom;
-> introducing techniques in a natural way;
-> and, most importantly, enjoying your artistic process.
Everyone can paint.
Expression is more important than technical perfection.
Practical information:
For ages 18 to 108!
Maximum of 10 participants per group.
Four consecutive Wednesdays. A new course normally starts on the first Wednesday of the month.
Lessons take place from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and from 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. For the latest updates, keep yourself informed through this site.
Get acquainted with our program for a special price: € 50,- for 4 lessons. After the first month, lessons cost € 65,- per month or € 165,- per three months. All classes include materials, coffee, tea and something tasty to eat.
Schieweg 15, 2627 AN Delft
For further information, to register or one of our other courses send us an email or call us at:
E: info@schilderenindelft.nl
T: 015-2127029